made fresh daily: in bloom

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Monday, May 01, 2006

in bloom

in the cherry blossom's shade
in the cherry blossom's shade
there's no such thing
as a stranger.

kobayashi issa
(1763 - 1827)

in an attempt to connect with nature the best we could, the mfd staff (ash and i) set out for brooklyn and the sakura matsuri/cherry blossom festival at the brooklyn botanical garden. after a seemingly endless labyrinth of tunnels under the hudson and east rivers(thanks mta, your weekend service to brooklyn is awesome!), we arrived at the garden and prepared to bask in the fleeting glory of the cherry blossom. attempting to capture the beauty of the day in words seems futile, so we will post a few pictures for you instead. enjoy.

if these just aren't enough for you (and why would they be?), get on over to mfd at flickr and check out the whole lot of 'em photos (including the many faces of ashley) mate!


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