made fresh daily: existential thought of the day

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

existential thought of the day

i was recently reading an article about the role of science in civilization, in particular the idea that science has effectively debunked a great deal of the mystery in the world, leaving us with the reality of our modern times (which at present time is rather troubling). that being said, what are we left with and/or what do we look to for inspiration to help us through tough times? we have created a scenario where we possess a knowledge base that makes it impossible to believe their is a system in place that governs our world.

i guess the inspiration could be a re-examination and or re-contexting of things that we already know. maybe it is looking at intangible ideas/emotions like love, hate, joy in a new light. does love mean the same thing that it meant 10 years ago? will joy continue to emanate from the same sources it currently does? my life to date has taught me that no, ideas and emotions and the perception of those concepts is constantly changing. so i guess while we learn more and more about the physical world around us, we can cling to the notion that our personal world is in an equal state of flux.

existentialism 101


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a book I read awhile ago you might enjoy- called "A Celestine Prophecy" which made even me, an extreme skeptic of all things not founded in science, question a few things. It was pretty neat. Not quite an existentialist novel, but still pretty neat read.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

2:58 PM  

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