made fresh daily: existential thoughts

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

existential thoughts

what is the meaning of life? what was i put here to do? is evolution a reality?

why the hell do human beings manufacture so much marvin the martian merchandise?

these are the truly existential questions in life.

i had the pleasure of riding home on the train last night with a woman who had to be in her 40s and who appeared to be commuting home from a wage-paying job, sporting a black, marvin the martian beret.

i will restate that in case you missed it...a marvin the martian beret.

i know that looney tunes strike a cord with a lot of people (case in point: michael jordan), but do you really want to wear pleather jackets and wool berets adorned with a green martian? is there a latent political/social statement message in this act? if not, wearing marvin the martian merch looks like you traded in 20+ stuffed animals from the claw game in your local value city for the limited edition mtm beret.

c' are better than that.


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