made fresh daily: one game changes everything?

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Monday, June 05, 2006

one game changes everything?

as the days until germany 2006 wind down, i have found myself paying slightly closer attention to the multiple commercial breaks on espn/abc/the ocho that feature the world cup commercials with bono of u2 supplying the voice-over. for the most part they are your standard, unimaginative crap that emanates from madison avenue, but one particular raises my ire more than the others. 'one game changes everything', which conveys the notion that war will pause, enemies will make friendly, and everything will be roses with the help of the beautiful game. one thing in particular that chaps my ass is the inclusion of an image of several muslim women playing football while bono waxes poetic with the line "...bringing respect where it is in short supply." if i am understanding this correctly we are being lead to believe that women in muslim countries are without respect (small leap of faith, seeing that we have little collective understanding of muslim cultures) and that football is the answer.

i can't help but think that this subtle arrogance is what has put at us at odds with parts of the world and continues to make matters of international understanding worse. who's definition of respect are we applying? the same one that has floozies like paris hilton and brittany spears as our cultural heroes? wouldn't the middle east be a better life is they had 'toxic' and the simple life: paris in the desert?


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