made fresh daily: comfort food?

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

comfort food?

i must admit, i have never been a big astrology fan. with all it's patchouli scented tapestries and weird iconography, it has always seemed more suited to shut-ins with two dozen cats as housemates. however that all changed when i saw my horoscope (sag dude) by accident on the back of a discarded newspaper on the subway today. it reads as follows:

As I take my daily bike ride into the hills, I pass a place where a beer-truck driver named Elijah lives. It's a trailer with old tires and rusty tools littering the driveway. Today there was a new addition: a 1975 Chevy El Camino, a vehicle that's like a car up front and a pick-up truck in back. It had a bumper sticker that read "Theresa and Johnny's Comfort Food -- Live Free or Die." The whole scene reminded me of the message I want to convey to you, Sagittarius. First, I believe you should bring into your sphere a fresh old thing that's an amalgam of two different categories, akin to Elijah acquiring a brand new 31-year-old vehicle that's half-car and half-truck. Second, I think you should make sure you feel extremely secure--stocking up on the equivalent of "comfort food"--as you initiate a major push for liberation.

well, well...i have absolutely no idea what that means. should i order mac 'n cheese for dinner tonight or should i watch nostalgic psu football highlights while wearing my state high sweatshirt on a bean bag chair? am i going to buy an el camino from someone on severn drive (oops..already sold!). and what exactly am i liberating? brain hurts, can not compute!


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