made fresh daily: pennsylvania polka

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

pennsylvania polka

step 1: take a large, progressive step forward and free yourself from the reprehensible shadow that is former representative rick santorum

step 2: open a floodgate of ills upon your state with the legalization and implementation of gambling

it appears as though my home state has been relegated to performing a "pennsylvania polka" of sorts, where by they take a step forward, followed shortly by a large step back. the economic windfall that comes with the implementation of these types of measures is significant, but nowhere near the costs associated with dealing with the fallout. if you are going to legalize state sanctioned gambling, you might as well go all the way and try to compete with atlantic city.

i always felt that the pa lottery system was a bad use of governmental power and that it set a very bad example. that being said, this is a much larger mistake in my estimation.


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