made fresh daily: O.C. #8

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Monday, January 30, 2006

O.C. #8

i apologize for the lengthy delay on o.c. report #8, but not unlike seth cohen, we here at mfd have been very stressed and as a result we have missed some very important deadlines. as ashley has taken to emulating seth in sparking a few doobers to get by, yours truly will be bringing the noise on all things orange county this week.

first, lets start with an occurrence from episode 313 that surely signals the end of my tolerance for this show, the personification of newport (i.e. 'i never knew ya' newport'). at some point in one of his soliloquies on the change and stress that high school ending is bringing to the crew, seth spews forth some ridiculous love letter to his beloved hometown (the same town he has professed to loathe for the past 3 years). keep in mind, the satirical nature of profiling life in the o.c and pointing out it's absolute banality was the shows only reason for being.

another annoyance with 'the pot stirrer', was the resurfacing of sandy's partner matt's fondness for introducing women of the night to any/all social situations. are these ladies on retainer as clients of the newport group or possibly just architecture students from the local community college?

one of the better scenes in this episode, was the thai take-out scene in the trailer, as it appeared as though the double-wide was actually a house boat out on the open seas. that damn thing was rockin' and swayin' so much that the cooper girls favorite pac-sun surfer dude, johhny, could have held a practice session right in the dining room. speaking of the j to the ohnny, he certainly got over his suicidal tendencies brought on by his failing relationship with marissa rather quickly. i guess acting as a gigolo to a 15 year old makes all the bad thoughts go away.

not much else to report on outside of the awesome ending, complete with 50 consecutive cross fades set to music. nothing says teenage angst and discontent like a slow dissolve and "brand new delhi" by the tao of groove blasting over it!

make sure to check back this friday when ashley will return to the o.c. report, finally free from the purple haze that clouded her this week.


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